Ground Turkey and Mushroom-Pine Nuts

Ground Turkey Couscous & Mushrooms with Pine Nuts In lieu of my usually horridly unhealthy baking post of the week, I though I’d share with you two of my more recent weekly dinner meals. Normally I try to aim for something mildly healthy – with a good mix of starch, vegetables and protein. The first…

Pumpkin Pie and Holiday Cheer

In seven hours, my flight will be departing out of Dulles International Airport. In just under sixteen hours, I will be arriving in Berlin Tegel. I’ve only been home for five days (if that), and already I’m starting to shift back into old habits and patterns of thought. That’s not to say either one is…

(A Decade Later) – It’s Autumn!

That’s right, you heard it here first – it’s fall, autumn, the time of colorful leaves falling, pumpkins, pumpkin-spice lattes, hayrides, scarves, sweaters, cozy reading nooks and halloween. You could say I’ve been waiting for this season since the last time it bade us farewell and you’d be right. Autumn is by far my favorite…

Crisis After Travel

You might be wondering what I’ve been up to for the last… oh say month or so? I’ve not been exactly on point when writing out my weekly vignettes about life, liberty and the pursuit of all of the German chocolate possible to fit in my hands (though I promise, I have tried). Let’s just…

Book Review: The Teleportation Accident by Ned Beauman

Title: The Teleportation Accident Author: Ned Beauman Genre: Fiction, Historical Fiction, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Historical, Contemporary, Humor, Literary Fiction Publisher: Sceptre Published: July 19, 2012 Page Amount: 357 pages Blurb From Goodreads: When you haven’t had sex in a long time, it feels like the worst thing that is happening to anyone anywhere. If you’re living in…

Chanting Meditations

Chanting is kind of weird. If you’re not a spiritual kind of person, then it can actually be very disconcerting to begin any sort of meditation that includes vocal chanting, it just seems… too hippie. When I started Teacher Training earlier this summer, I was in fact very put off by it. After all, as…

There’s Germany… and then there’s Doctor Zhivago

Now, it’s logical to think that I have an excess of travel information to regal readers with about Germany, Cologne and German speaking tips. While that’s not necessarily false, I don’t have the heart to simply talk about German related things. Because on one hand there’s Germany… and then there’s Doctor Zhivago. If you’ve been…

Deutschland and Yoga Teacher Training

So it may have been a *ahem* few weeks since my last post, but I have reasonable cause for the delay… I’ve been busy. Since the 8th, I completed an intensive 14-hour-per-day Yoga Teacher Training in DC and I traveled to Germany to start my year abroad. Crazy right?

A Year Later…

Before I go into apologizing for the *ahem* full year that I have spent not updating this blog (which has primarily focused on book reviews), I ought to give you the news first. I’m headed to Germany in just under a month! Not only am I staying for the full year- but I don’t even…

New Years in Not-Germany

As this blog does have somewhat of a travel component… at least when I’m feeling up to describing my adventures in a way that isn’t only palatable to my friends and I, I thought it would only be appropriate to have an ‘ending of traveling abroad’ post.

Another Country.

In case you missed it, I’m somehow out of America again. In Germany, and happily taking in everything I can from this amazing country and this fantastic culture. It might be the chocolate, and it might be the copious amount of tea and beer I’ve drank. It’s probably both.

Dresden begins…

I told myself I would get a journal for my experiences in Dresden. That I’d write in it every day and notate things so that I’d never forget my amazing time in this country. Well, I may have forgotten to bring one. We arrived yesterday, and after a journey that took so long that I’m…